Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Kids Are Cuter Than Yours And I Can Prove It!!!

We all think our kids are the cutest little cusses on the planet to ever exist and at least on my part it's totally true - Hee Hee! (But seriously so true!)  Anywho, there is a super fun Model Search Contest that is about to start here in Utah for Kid To Kid, a personal favorite shopping stop for me.

KID TO KID February-Model Search.

The Model Search will be on Kid to Kid’s facebook page.  Just upload a photo of your child and like the Kid To Kid Facebook store location you'd like to be entered for! The Search will run from February 9-23 with voting to run from February 24-29.  There are 4 age groups that children can enter:
  • 0-2
  • 3-5
  • 6-9
  • 10-14

The winner will be in Kid to Kid store advertising and will be featured on other marketing ads and on TV spots. Yup - your kid might be on TV!  How cool is that!!  I know my kids would be ecstatic about the thought of being on TV - they already think I'm famous because they see my picture on the computer every day -  LOL!

So if you want absolute proof that your kids are cuter than your snotty sister in law's kids enter HERE! (Bragging rights included!)

I'm sending in this pic of my adorable 3 year old!

*Note: Make sure to like the Kid To Kid Facebook store location you'd like to be entered for!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome picture! I kinda want to pinch those rosey cheeks!
