So why do couponers cheat? Why, in essence, steal from a store for personal gain? I have a couple guesses:

#2. They feel entitled. We live in a day and age when people feel entitled. They deserve to be given whatever they've set their minds to. I've heard of shoppers who felt like they were overcharged at a store on a previous shopping trip so the deserve the extra (and unethical) savings on their current shopping trip. If you were over charged it's your responsibility alone to correct the situation once you've noticed the error. Don't pad your next bill with savings to compensate.
#3. They think it doesn't hurt anyone. Wrong! Cheating stores by using incorrect coupons or lying about pricing is theft - plain and simple. Ask your local grocery manager, the next time you shop, how many coupons they had rejected last month and what the total dollar value was and you'll be amazed at their coupon losses. Couponers say all the time, well they get an extra $0.08 every time I give them a coupon so they're making money on the deal. Not necessarily true. That extra $0.08 goes towards redemption costs, mailing cost etc... The coupons aren't redeemed for free. Stores have to hire companies to manage the redemption process for them and guess what - they have to pay for those services.

#5. Their Family is more important that any one person or retailer. Hey, I love my family as well, but I also try to keep in mind that I should only buy what we really need. In Utah County, Walmart doubles coupons every Tuesday. But just go into the store on Monday at 5pm and you'll see lines of shoppers willing to wait 7+ hours to empty their overflowing 5 carts onto the conveyor belt. Why clear shelves of products you won't use? I think it's a combination of some of the reasons above, but I also think we try so hard to give our family the best that we forget everyone else in the picture. They have to be first, and fast, so that if they beat someone else to the store and can get all the goods, they've won some sort of prize. Not a great prize to win, IMO. Using coupons unethically to obtain these savings shouldn't make anyone's family proud.
#6. They're just thieves with no moral code. No explanation required.
Why be so harsh about coupon cheaters? Why not just let them be? First, I hate that shoppers are using my name and website to provide justification for their unethical tactics. I have heard from multiple cashiers claiming that shoppers will say, "Amy/SavvyShopperDeals.com, said we could. I went to her class." Fortunately most cashiers know me or the site and know that's a lie and one you will called to the mat for! Cashiers have told countless shoppers to email me if they think they're right. I've yet to receive one of those emails. Why? Because they know they've lied.
I feel like I have now been assigned to be the Utah coupon police, a job I don't want! But it seems that now, along with my weekly email to Walmart stores of the hot double coupon items that they need to stock up on for Tuesday double coupons, I'm going to start sending them out a cheater list as well. Ie... coupons which shoppers will try to use on incorrect ounce sizes etc. FYI - I've already been asked to take in Sunday Ads asap to try and prevent all the cheating with Rite Aid and Walgreens Up or Register Reward price match attempts. I'd like to just go shopping and not have to worry about all the cheaters out there, but I guess that's not going to happen. And, FYI I'm already hearing rumors about double coupons ending due to theft and cheating. Keep it up and we'll all suffer.
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