I love, love, love FREE MP3 downloads. Amazon.com offers thousands of free downloads and albums daily, but they aren't always the hottest artists or songs. So I watch for free amazon codes or special track offers that come up regularly. The latest freebie is a $2 Amazon.com credit, which means 2 free songs for my ipod! I used the $2 code: VDAYMP3S and picked two $0.99 tracks (Black Eyed Peas - Dirty Bit and Neon Trees - Animal) for FREE! You can use this code today through February 15th!
I have to admit the first few times I used (or rather tried to use) a free Amazon code I failed miserably. Why? Because no one told me I had to add the code before I bought the song. I thought I would get to add the code at checkout - WRONG! I ended up paying for the first few songs before my credit ever took effect. So, if you want to ensure you get your songs for free, make sure after you click on the song you want (sample page), that you add your code before you buy the MP3!

I used the code VDAYMP3S and it keeps not working. Is that the right code?
ReplyDeleteYes V D A Y M P 3 S
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the tip on how to use the promo code. I did the same thing and couldn't figure out how to use the code.