It's national Flashlight Day! Totally random holiday but oh well! Hurry and grab this $1.00 Rayovac Flashlight Coupon and then use it to buy the small Rayovac flashlight at Walmart for FREE!
- Rayovac Small Flashlights = $1.00 - $1.00 Rayovac Coupon = FREE
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
FREE Rayovac Flashlight - Walmart Deal
Free Arbys Birthday Shake
Yum - I can taste the creamy deliciousness already!
Get a FREE Arbys 12 oz Shake for your birthday when you sign up for Arbys Extras plus a FREE Roast Beef Sandwich just for signing up!
Check out my Favorite Birthday Freebies!
Get a FREE Arbys 12 oz Shake for your birthday when you sign up for Arbys Extras plus a FREE Roast Beef Sandwich just for signing up!
Check out my Favorite Birthday Freebies!
Chilis Birthday Freebie
I'm loving all the birthday freebie emails this week! It's like a pre-birthday celebration! Here's a new one I received this year!
Get a FREE Chilis Brownie Sundae when you sign up for Chili's Email Club - plus a FREE Queso and Cheese coupon to start!
Check out my Favorite Birthday Freebies!
Get a FREE Chilis Brownie Sundae when you sign up for Chili's Email Club - plus a FREE Queso and Cheese coupon to start!
Check out my Favorite Birthday Freebies!
My Sweet Little Broken Heart
In the reflective silence of the early morning, amidst ranking deals and linking printable coupons, my heart breaks for the mother I should be and the daughter who might be. Might be what? There is so much potential, so much beauty; inner and to behold, so much left to discover. She is a vision of complete joy with unconditional and welcome arms for anyone who might need the brilliance of her smile. Size, shape, or "in"ness matter little to her. Everyone deserves her love.
Yesterday, as we readied her Christmas presents for friends at school she rattled off a list of names to address each tag. 'This one is for Drue" she said. "She's handicapped but I don't care, I want to give her one too. She's my friend!" In a cynical world which judges a book by it's cover, in a junior high crowd which predetermines a student's worth, my sweet little broken heart judges no one. As a mother, what more can I ask for!? So, am I too selfish to wish only for a more perfect heart?
I remember as if it were yesterday when the pediatric cardiologist began fumbling with miniature heart models and pictures. "L-Transposition, your daughters heart is backwards" was all I really heard before the room began to spin uncontrollably. Only two days old and my sweet little Baylee, the first life I helped bring into this world, was perched perilously on the edge of mortality. I tried to take notes, to take in every bit of information I could absorb, but the shock and hormones kept fighting my reality into disarray. Through drowning floods of tears I told myself it would be fine, she would be fine. We could beat this thing right?
It's been over 12 years since my fate was changed, intertwined with that small and fragile broken heart. Countless nights I have climbed into her little bed to whisper how sorry I was that I could not be a better mother to her after yelling over silly disagreements, to apologize for the broken heart I gave her and for the tremendous struggles yet to come. Through a renewed flood of tears I whisper how beautiful she is, that I love her with all my heart, and that it will all be ok. To look at her sleeping there no one would know her heart beats off course or that her body is slowly tiring from the strain. Miraculous, many would say, referring to her unchanging condition for the past decade. But then, I knew this day would come - the day when the array of previously encouraging doctors would walk in the room and deliver the news that life would change and repair was now necessary.
Next week my sweet little broken heart will prepare for her first heart surgery and undergo a cardiac MRI to determine her heart's strength. Regardless of the test results I already know the strength of her heart - unbreakable! Mine is not so unyielding. I weep in the silence of the night surrounded by coupons and grocery ads so no one can hear the sorrow of my broken heart.
So if you see me a little absent from posting as much on Savvy Shopper Deals off and on over the next few weeks (I'll try to keep posting as usual for the most part, 'cause doctors don't take coupons you know!) just know that while I do love coupons and deals my heart is where it should be, with my daughter.
Yesterday, as we readied her Christmas presents for friends at school she rattled off a list of names to address each tag. 'This one is for Drue" she said. "She's handicapped but I don't care, I want to give her one too. She's my friend!" In a cynical world which judges a book by it's cover, in a junior high crowd which predetermines a student's worth, my sweet little broken heart judges no one. As a mother, what more can I ask for!? So, am I too selfish to wish only for a more perfect heart?
I remember as if it were yesterday when the pediatric cardiologist began fumbling with miniature heart models and pictures. "L-Transposition, your daughters heart is backwards" was all I really heard before the room began to spin uncontrollably. Only two days old and my sweet little Baylee, the first life I helped bring into this world, was perched perilously on the edge of mortality. I tried to take notes, to take in every bit of information I could absorb, but the shock and hormones kept fighting my reality into disarray. Through drowning floods of tears I told myself it would be fine, she would be fine. We could beat this thing right?
It's been over 12 years since my fate was changed, intertwined with that small and fragile broken heart. Countless nights I have climbed into her little bed to whisper how sorry I was that I could not be a better mother to her after yelling over silly disagreements, to apologize for the broken heart I gave her and for the tremendous struggles yet to come. Through a renewed flood of tears I whisper how beautiful she is, that I love her with all my heart, and that it will all be ok. To look at her sleeping there no one would know her heart beats off course or that her body is slowly tiring from the strain. Miraculous, many would say, referring to her unchanging condition for the past decade. But then, I knew this day would come - the day when the array of previously encouraging doctors would walk in the room and deliver the news that life would change and repair was now necessary.
Next week my sweet little broken heart will prepare for her first heart surgery and undergo a cardiac MRI to determine her heart's strength. Regardless of the test results I already know the strength of her heart - unbreakable! Mine is not so unyielding. I weep in the silence of the night surrounded by coupons and grocery ads so no one can hear the sorrow of my broken heart.
So if you see me a little absent from posting as much on Savvy Shopper Deals off and on over the next few weeks (I'll try to keep posting as usual for the most part, 'cause doctors don't take coupons you know!) just know that while I do love coupons and deals my heart is where it should be, with my daughter.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Freaky Friday Giveaway Winner - What is it?
Congrats to my freaky Friday Giveaway Winner: Cassie Rader - sol09002@
All I have to say is that if you add the words non-skeletal meat on the ingredient label it just takes the appeal right out of any product - YUCK!!! (I won't post all the ingredients here as they make my stomach churn!)
Friday, December 9, 2011
Freaky Friday Giveaway - What is this?
You might say I shop a lot - alright, I never stop shopping! Every now and then I come across some pretty strange products and even after reading the ingredients list have no idea what the product actually is. So I need a little help, can anyone tell me what this product is?
Just leave a comment below (in my entry form) as to what you think Potted Meat Food Product is and I'll pick one random winner to receive this adorable Ellie overnight bag ($35 Value!) Contest ends Sunday Dec. 11th at 11:59pm. Winner selected Monday, Dec. 12.
Just leave a comment below (in my entry form) as to what you think Potted Meat Food Product is and I'll pick one random winner to receive this adorable Ellie overnight bag ($35 Value!) Contest ends Sunday Dec. 11th at 11:59pm. Winner selected Monday, Dec. 12.
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Win an Ellie The Elephant Overnight Bag:
- Soft, plush and cute—this overnight bag can also serve as a snuggley and washable friend for sleepovers
- Zippered top and inside pocket are kid friendly
- $35 Value
HURRY - $3 Huggies Diapers Today!
Babies R Us/Toys R Us has Huggies Santa Little Movers Diapers for only $5.00 per pack today & tomorrow while supplies last!!!! Don't wait until tomorrow or these will be gone!
Pair with these coupons to get them for $3.00 per pack + the rebate!
Huggies Save $2.00 on ONE Huggies Little Snugglers or Little Movers Diapers $2.00/1 (S11/20-9 )
Kleenex Save $10 by mail in rebate when you buy Disneys Cars 2 Blu Ray Combo Pack or DVD AND $20 of Kimberly Clark Products (Kleenex, Viva, Huggies, Cottonelle and Scott) $10.00/2 (S10/30-5)
Buca Di Beppo - Birthday Freebie
It's getting to be that time of year again when the birthday freebies start rolling in. Don't get me wrong, I do love freebies, but I think they're just a sneaky distraction to getting another year older! But, since I can't help growing old, I guess I can help myself to this free Buca Di Beppo Birthday Brownie Sundae!
If you'd like a free Birthday Brownie Sundae too, then just sign up for the Buca Di Beppo e-club and grow a little older with me!
Check out my Favorite Birthday Freebies!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Coupon Binder Reminder!
I know I say this frequently but, take your coupon binder with you everywhere you go! (Of course your coupons should already be cut out and organized inside the binder or it really doesn't matter any way!) I was reminded again yesterday of the rewarding savings I'm able to grab because I always have my coupons in the car.
After driving my daughter to Volleyball practice I decided to make a quick run to Smiths, which was just down the street. I hadn't planned on going to the store - it just kind of happened. I decided to walk around and check for unadvertised deals (cuz I'm addicted to savings) when I came upon and endcap full of clearance Trident gum. There were piles and piles of gum marked at just $0.37 per box. Because my coupons were cut out, organized and tucked away in my coupon binder I was able to quickly find my $1.00/3 Trident coupons (of which I had 5) and get 15 packs of gum for $0.04 ea!!! With the combined clearance and coupon discount I saved $13.65!! Holy cow, do you know what I can buy with an extra $13.65?
Ok, so I would never pay full price for gum anyway, but still, because I was prepared I was able to capitalize on an otherwise lost savings. I know some of you may not like to cut your coupons out, but rather save them by the whole insert. I love that anyone saves their coupons, but keeping them in piles in the corner of your room, filing cabinets or accordion folders also saves you from saving the maximum amount of $$$ possible. Not cutting coupons out makes shoppers coupon collectors, in my opinion, meaning they just collect dust in the corner. I know that I am more apt to go shopping if my coupons are cut out and at the ready, than if I have an uncut stack in the corner. In the seldom moments that I have to get to the store, if I had to sit down and hunt through stacks of inserts for only the coupons I needed at that moment I would be more likely to not take them with me or just not buy the product all together for lack of savings!
It really does not take any more time in the long run to cut your coupons out up front. Not only does cutting out any coupons which your family would use if it were cheap, free or a family favorite, save you money on unadvertised deal finds, it also helps you keep track of what coupons you're keeping verses relying on someone's website to tell you what you've got. As a bonus, if you use the coupon binder method with clear baseball card pages to organize your coupons, you will actually memorize your coupons after repeatedly seeing them on a weekly basis.
If you haven't tried the binder method give it a shot and I think you'll find that having your coupons ready and waiting at all times is the key to successful savings.
How To Make A Coupon Binder
I believe the easiest and best way to organize coupons is by using the Coupon Portfolio or Coupon Binder Method. It's ease of use and see through pages make it the most effective way to save money if you are serious about couponing. Here is my binder recipe:

- 2 1/2-3" Zippered Binder w/Strap (I like Case It brand)
- 9 Pocket Baseball Card Dividers
- Tab Divider Pages
- Tabbed Pocket Dividers
STORE SECTION: Your Favorite Stores (Two Pocket Divider for Rainchecks, Shopping List, Store Ad & Store coupons with a Store name inserted followed by one or two 9-slot Baseball card pages so you can organize the coupons for each store for the week.
CATEGORY SECTION: 10 Categories (Tab dividers labeled on both sides & 9-slot Baseball card holders-sometimes called trading card pages!)
Baby - 2 baseball card pages (Diapers/Shampoos, Baby Food)
Bread & Cereal - 5 baseball card pages (Cereal, Breakfast Foods, Breads, Rice/Pasta, Chips & Crackers)
Cleaners - 8 Baseball card pages (Floor Cleaners, Dish Cleaners, 2 Fabrics, Standard Cleaners, Bathroom Cleaners, 2 Air Fresheners)
Dairy - 4 Basball Card Pages (Cheese, Butter/Oil, Yogurt, Misc Dairy)
Dessert - 8 Baseball card pages (Cookies, Frozen Desserts, Cake/Brownie Mixes, Fruits/Jello/Pudding, 2 Drinks, Candy, Baking Goods)
Meat - 6 Baseball card pages (Fresh/Frozen Poultry, Lunchmeat, Breakfast Meats, Misc. Meats, Seasonings, Sauces)
Medicine - 8 baseball card pages (2 Cold/Allergy, Pain Relievers, First Aid, 2 Stomach Aids, Vitamins, 1-2 Misc. Medicines)
Paper Goods - 4 baseball card pages (Facial Tissues/Garbage Bags, Foils/Wraps/Containers, Plates/Paper Towels, Toilet Tissue)
Personal Hygiene - 14 Baseball card pages (Facial Cleansers, Body wash, Lotion, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Misc. Tooth products, Deodorant, Shaving Needs, Makeup, 2 Shampoo/Stylers, Hair Color, Personal Items, Misc. Hygiene)
Misc. - 9-10 Baseball card pages (Sauces/Salsa/Ketchup, 2 Canned Goods, 2 Frozen goods, Salads/Dressings, Misc. Foods, Pets, 1-2 Misc. Household Items)
You don't necessarily need the same # of pages I do! Customize to fit your needs!
- 90% of coupons will already fit the baseball card pages. If they don't, slightly fold the barcode over to adjust for size w/expiration date still showing if possible!
- Only cut out coupons for products your family would use if the product ended up being cheap, free or a family favorite!
- Don't be brand loyal - it's expensive! If you use toothpaste (and I'm sure your neighbors hope you do), then cut out every toothpaste coupon you see, not just for your favorite brand of toothpaste! You never know when an "off" brand of toothpaste will be free with a coupon!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
*HOT* 50% off Kid To Kid Deal Gift Certificate!!!
THIS IS LIVE - HURRY!!! 50% off KidtoKid Certificate Link
Can I just tell you all that I am a new found, and lifelong fan of Kid To Kid. You may have seen one of my recent articles in the Daily Herald, The Valley Journals or Utah Family Magazine talking about the amazing deals I got at the Lindon, Utah location for FREE by exchanging out some clothes that don't fit my kids anymore. I was able to get a dress, long enough, but "hip" enough for my 12 year old, 2 pairs of practically new name brand jeans and a really cute top for under $18! WOW!!! It's amazing what you can do with just $20 at this store. With Christmas creeping up you definitely should stop by Kid to Kid and stretch your budget even further!

The real joy of Christmas comes from giving – both to friends and family, and to those who are less fortunate. But sometimes that’s a challenge when you’re on a tight budget yourself. Check out these awesome gift giving tips from Shauna of Kid To Kid:
Here are some creative ideas on gift giving on a budget.
This is a great way to help your kids participate in a meaningful way in the gift giving process.
Most kids don’t have jobs, but one thing they DO have is stuff. This might include clothes they’ve outgrown, toys they don’t play with anymore, books they no longer read, and even the coat and snow boots they wore last year. If your kid’s stuff is in good condition, it can be sold to Kid to Kid for some quick and easy holiday cash.
Double bonus – you’ll get them to d-eclutter and your house will be ready for Xmas too! Let them keep the money from the things they sell to buy presents for friends, cousins, siblings, etc.
What kinds of things can kids sell?
- Toys and books and learning toys
Big toys like kitchen sets, ride-on toys, or classic toys like Fisher Price Little People sets bring the most money.
- Building toys like blocks, Legos, or Duplos are also great.
(Clean them up, and make sure all the pieces are there so another child can play with the toy.)
- Shoes and Boots – These are high demand items at Kid to Kid – especially snow boots this month.
- Clothes – Right now we’re especially looking for winter clothes, dancewear, coats and hoodies, and holiday outfits. As cute as their holiday outfits were last year, they’re not going to fit again this year. So clean out the clothes and bring all the nice stuff to K2K to earn money.
- Baby Gear – Don’t let things like this you baby’s pack n play and exersaucer collect dust in the basement. Bring them in to Kid to Kid and earn some holiday cash.
Last week, we had a cool dad come into our store. He has two little boys, but really wanted to help a neighbor family who had girls. So he brought in his son’s toys and clothes to sell. Instead of taking cash (which his neighbor would have been embarrassed to accept), he set up an account for his neighbors to use to buy things their daughters needed. The girls were able to come in and try on things to pick exactly what they wanted. They felt like princesses going shopping in such a nice store. And because the prices are so low at K2K, they were able to pick up 3 or 4 times as much stuff as if they had gone to a “regular” store.
Setting up an in-store account for someone else when you sell is like buying them a gift card, but even better. When you sell things and choose store credit, you earn 20% more – so they get 20% more! Just let the Kid to Kid buyer know, and we can create a store credit account for the kids you’ve decided to provide Christmas for.
This discount even applies to brand new toys. You might already know that K2K sells nice used toys, but what many people don’t realize is that they also carry brand new toys – and they stock up for the holidays. Choose from wood puzzles or Decorate Your Own craft kits from Melissa and Doug, fun role play toys like child sized aprons, rolling pins, and brooms, science kits, and more. The selection varies in each store.
It’s more than a little awkward to give something that’s been used as a gift, even if it’s a practical idea. When you want to give someone the very most for your money, a Kid to Kid gift card is the perfect solution. A K2K gift card is another great way to let someone choose just what they need the most and get far more for the money you spend – up to four times what they could get in a regular store. They could buy baby equipment like a highchair or baby swing, maternity clothes, kids clothes, a warm coat and gloves, or toys.
5. SHOP IN NOVEMBER AND GET A MYSTERY GIFT CARD WORTH $3 TO $50 when you spend $25 or more.
This gift card is redeemable in December to help stretch your holiday budget even farther.
Kid To Kid is definitely a DEAL in my book and I'll be grabbing one of those gift cards for sure! Make sure to follow Kid To Kid on Facebook to watch for sales and other hot deals!
EASY Recycled Flannel Shirt Aprons
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Recycled Flannel Shirt Aprons |
Recycled Flannel Shirt Aprons:
Step #1: Steal an old flannel shirt from your hubby (And don't let him catch you! My husband walked in to the church right as I cut the sleeve off his shirt - LOL!!) The bigger the better - XL works best. If you don't have one this size head over to your local thrift store and pick one up for $2. The shirt does not have to be flannel. In fact, I'm making one out of a hawaiian shirt right now.
Step #2: Cut off the shirt sleeves cutting on the outside seam. The more seams you avoid cutting away the less sewing involved!
Step #3: Cut away back of shirt (save material) leaving the side seams in tact!
Step #4: Draw a chalk line from the collar to the bottom corner of the sleeve hole and cut excess fabric. Roll raw edge over and stitch to finish. (Use a medium straight stitch.)
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Waist tie before and after |
Step #6: Attach strips to waist just under arm holes with a straight seam and voila - a really cool apron!
OPTIONAL Pocket: I cut one of the arms in half and then cut the back off, sewed the edges and the button front shut and attached it to my apron. It fits a bottle of Windex perfectly!
Turkey - The Cheapest Meat (Stock Up)!
With the current, and outrageous, price of beef due to our lagging economy, now is the time to fill your freezers with Turkey. It's almost Thanksgiving and grocers are practically giving turkey away (Winco is giving away free Turkeys with a $100 purchase)! At $0.49-$0.99 for whole turkeys or turkey breasts this bird is a thankful delivery. You can't get any other kind of meat for these prices - anywhere. Rump roasts range from a whopping $2.50 lb to $4.50 lb. For less than 25% of beef costs you can load up on lean turkey. But don't wait too long, turkey prices will head north in just a couple weeks after Thanksgiving has come and gone!
If you don't have room to stock whole turkeys for a few months consider buying a couple bone-in turkey breasts. (Target has them on sale for $0.99 lb this week!)
These smaller size turkey portions are about the same size as a family roast. Turkey breasts are easier to defrost than a whole turkey as well, and you don't have to touch the gross gizzards and giblets - Yuck! I always try to keep of few of these breasts on hand for extra special Sunday dinners with the family.
Rice Krispy Turkey Pop Treats
Photo Credit: Kelloggs |
I just had to share this cute Rice Krispies Turkey Pop Treats from Kellogg's with you all. This is so easy, but certainly a soon to be Thanksgiving favorite at my house! These are even better because I bought candy corns at 75% off at Walmart Halloween clearance :) Don't ya just luv it when a plan comes together!
Check out More Kelloggs Thanksgiving Day Recipes!
Dip into melted chocolate, add a few candy corn "feathers," and pop these tasty turkeys on top of lollipop sticks for a cute and creative Thanksgiving dessert.
Servings: 24
- 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
- 1 package (10 oz., about 40) regular marshmallows
- - or -
- 4 cups miniature marshmallows
- 6 cups Kellogg's® Rice Krispies® cereal
- 1 package (12 oz., 2 cups) semi-sweet chocolate morsels
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
- 1 1/3 cups candy corn
- 48 small white candies
- 24 lollipop sticks or wooden ice cream sticks
1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.2. Add KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated.
3. Using 1/4-cup measuring cup coated with cooking spray divide warm cereal mixture into 24 portions. Using buttered hands shape each portion into ball. Cool.
4. In microwave-safe bowl combine chocolate morsels and oil. Microwave on high for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until smooth, stirring every 30 seconds. Dip each ball into chocolate, allowing excess to drip off. Decorate with candy corn for tail feathers and beak. Add candies for eyes. Let stand until firm. Insert lollipop stick into each. Best if served the same day.
MICROWAVE DIRECTIONS: In microwave-safe bowl heat butter and marshmallows on HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir until smooth. Follow steps 2 through 4 above. Microwave cooking times may vary.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
20 FREE Staples Greeting Cards
Get 20 FREE Holiday 5x7 Cards from Staples with this Staples Coupon. Coupon Valid 11/13-11/19
Bottled Water Hair Rinse - An Extreme Couponer
You know you're an extreme couponer when you..... rinse your hair in bottled water you stockpiled with coupons!
Well, then call me an Extremely SMART Couponer because on Friday that's just what I did and it may have been the best rinse I have ever had!
Friday evening started like most nights at my house, whining children, teeth brushing, vitamins, stories, luvs and tucking kids in to bed, then off to the store to find hidden deals at my local grocery store. After arriving home at around 11pm and working on the computer for about a half hour I decided to jump in the shower. I had just finished rinsing the conditioner from my hair when I spontaneously decided to condition my crazy mob of curly red hair yet one more time (with you guessed it, my favorite conditioner... which is?). I slathered on the conditioner and was massaging it through my hair when... the power went out.
"Tim, turn the lights back on, you jerk!" was my first reaction. You see, my sweet Macgyver husband is quite the joker. Even the nieces and nephews have named him "Uncle Teaser Tim". But when I called my dear hubby he very clearly was startled from slumber to answer me.
What to do!?! No power = no water and I was dripping with soap. Sweet Macgyver (yes, notice the change in tone) said I should just wait it out and the power would come back on soon. Seriously? You want me to stand here slimy and cold for what could be hours until the lights miraculously reappear? That option clearly wasn't even viable in this lifetime so option #2 - the Nestle bottled water rinse event began.
I certainly was grateful for an amazing food storage at that moment!!! Tim ran for a 24 pack of bottled water from the pantry and I put some pots on the gas stove which we lit manually. Once the water was warm enough, Tim gently poured the water over my head into the sink via a battery powered lantern. Ahhhhhhhhhhh - sweet relief! Surprisingly 24 bottles of Nestle Pure Life Water is just the right amount of water needed to rinse conditioner from my hair. (Note to self: Always keep bottled water in the pantry and stock up the next time it's on sale!)
Thanks to my hubby and my food storage a serious hair crisis was successfully managed and peace was restored. FYI - the lights came on 3 hours later, as did the blaring TV!
Butter Prices Coming Down - Stock Up Time!
Ok - I don't know about you but I am totally unwilling to pay $2.50-$2.99 for a pound of butter! I've been fortunate to have a frozen stock of butter that has lasted me for some time but I am getting low.
Fortunately, Thanksgiving has had historically low butter prices galore. Watch for prices to come down over the next few weeks - but this price break will not likely last long. If you see a great deal on butter you'd better buy a couple extra pounds and freeze them for later!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Couponer Caught Shoplifting!
Ok - so it wasn't a full time, coupon hoarding deal seeker that got caught shoplifting this week - it was my 3 year old "don't forget to use the news coupons mom!" son who was caught red handed stealing cinnamon decorator candies this week!
Yesterday, I finished my regular shopping (since Thursday is sort of my day off - but I'm so addicted to deals I can't stop myself from looking) and headed out to the car with an awesome cart full of deals and that's when he showed me. With a sweet and very happy smile on his face, my 3 year old pulled a bottle of red hot candies out of his fireman's hat. What!?! I was so busy getting deals myself that I hadn't noticed his sly bottle pilfering.
I immediately expressed that we don't take things from stores without paying for them, it's called stealing and that he'd have to go back inside and return them. Cayden was dutifully repentant and sullen when I explained that you can get in big trouble for taking things without paying for them.
We went back in to the store and he returned the item with a quiet "I'm sorry I tooked your candies". The bagger kindly asked him to not do it again and Cayden again repeated that he was sorry. After getting in the car I called "daddy" and let Cayden explain what had happened and we again discussed it at home later that night.
I remember taking a saltwater taffy from a store when I was about 5 and my mom making me do the same thing, and no, I have never stolen anything since! Do you think I did the right thing? Should I say more to Cayden? Should I have said less?
I will admit I did get a private laugh out of his thievery though! Check out what he took:
It's on clearance! My son or what!?! (I took the picture to blackmail him in my later years!)
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My Sweet Cayden the Shoplifter!?! |
I immediately expressed that we don't take things from stores without paying for them, it's called stealing and that he'd have to go back inside and return them. Cayden was dutifully repentant and sullen when I explained that you can get in big trouble for taking things without paying for them.
We went back in to the store and he returned the item with a quiet "I'm sorry I tooked your candies". The bagger kindly asked him to not do it again and Cayden again repeated that he was sorry. After getting in the car I called "daddy" and let Cayden explain what had happened and we again discussed it at home later that night.
I remember taking a saltwater taffy from a store when I was about 5 and my mom making me do the same thing, and no, I have never stolen anything since! Do you think I did the right thing? Should I say more to Cayden? Should I have said less?
I will admit I did get a private laugh out of his thievery though! Check out what he took:
It's on clearance! My son or what!?! (I took the picture to blackmail him in my later years!)
Friday, September 30, 2011
*HIGH* Value Make Up Coupon!! - What Does Face Product Really Mean?
UPDATE: Blush and Sponges are included = MONEY MAKERS at almost every store, including Walmart!!
If you check your coupon binder right now, you'll notice several current Loreal Cosmetics coupons.
- Loreal Lip Product Coupons
- Loreal Infallible Lip Product Coupons
- Loreal Powder, Blush, Concealer or Primer Coupons
- Loreal Eye Product Coupons
- Loreal Cosmetic Face Product Coupons

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Loreal Face Product Brands |
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CoverGirl Face Product Line |
Monday, September 26, 2011
Betty Crocker Fun Da Middles Giveaway Winner!
WINNER UPDATE: Congratulations linsabeth@gmail.... - Have fun with these awesome cupcakes on your child's 1st birthday!
Please email me your name and address so I can get your prize mailed out to you!
And don't forget this *HOT* $0.85/1 Fun Da Middles Coupon!!!!
Please email me your name and address so I can get your prize mailed out to you!
And don't forget this *HOT* $0.85/1 Fun Da Middles Coupon!!!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Corporate Downsizing of America - Every Ounce Counts!
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The shelf tag still reads 11 oz. but is suddenly a 9 oz. bottle! |
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Last week Gain Dish Liquid was 11 oz! |
I thought I'd share a past column I wrote regarding this issue that you might find interesting:
I was reminded this week as I was rotating my food storage how much every ounce counts. As I put my groceries away after a great week of shopping, specifically some Scrubbing Bubbles cleaner, I noticed that my 25-ounce can had mysteriously shrunken to only 22 ounces. Where did my extra 3 ounces go? No, it wasn’t a specially marked can with an extra 15% included for free and it wasn’t any type of special buy – it was just gone! My 3 ounces had vanished without a word from SC Johnson or anyone else.

You may recall the Dreyers ice cream fiasco of 2008, when cartons dropped from 1.75 to 1.5 ounces, much to consumers’ chagrin. "Downsizing is nothing but a sneaky price increase," says Edgar Dworsky, former Massachusetts assistant attorney general in the Consumer Protection Division. "I'm waiting to open a carton of eggs and see only 11."
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Many shoppers cringe at the thought of computing, either by calculator or brainpower, the cost per ounce on their grocery purchases each week. While these calculations may bring a slight increase in shopping time — size matters. More than ever shoppers need to know what they’re purchasing and at what cost.

Lastly, remember, bigger isn’t always better. The bigger the box doesn’t necessarily mean bigger savings. Just because you can buy cereal in 10-pound boxes at warehouse stores doesn’t mean your price-per-ounce costs are any kind of real savings. And, if you’re planning on using coupons to reduce your out-of-pocket expense, your savings will best be applied to the smallest packages allowable. In fact smaller boxes are almost always the bigger savings when using coupons.
So now I’m faced with the choice to clean only 85 percent of my bathtub in protest or buy more Scrubbing Bubbles. And while I’d definitely like less housework, like the rest of America I’ll just have to buy more – as I echo in a loud and bellowing voice with hands clenched, “Curse you, scum!” (That is unless my husband wouldn’t notice that his half of the tub still has a ring?). America may have to endure The Great Shrink for a while yet, but arming ourselves with per-unit costs can help shoppers make wiser purchases and smarter buys for their money.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
A Savvy How To: Recycled T-Shirt Bibs
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Cayden and his favorite t-shirt bib! It's time for a new one! |
So at our house we use recycled t-shirt bibs (when we remember to put them on before Sweet Cayden gets to the food that is!) These bibs were actually my Macgyver husband's idea so kudos to you sweetheart! All it takes to make these is some sharp scissors and an old men's t-shirt.
Recycled T-Shirt Bib:
Step 1: Trim front sides of t-shirt to desired width. I usually leave 4-5 inches to cover my kids shoulders as well as their bellies! Don't worry about cutting super straight lines as the edges of the shirt will curl once cut and washed.
Step 2: Cut away the excess back and arms of the shirt, rounding the back collar approximately 2-3 inches long.
Step 3: Trim bottom of t-shirt to desired length.
Step 4: Cut remaining t-shirt into household rags.
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The pictures above make the t-shirt look pink. It's really maroon :) |
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