Thursday, September 9, 2010

Taste Of Home Cooking School - Ticket Giveaway!!!

Thanksgiving Point in Lehi is hosting the Cooking School again Tuesday, September 14th!  

2010 Savvy Shopping Cart Winner
If you have never been to The Taste Of Home Cooking School you are seriouly missing out!!  

Show Summary: 

Join Thanksgiving Point and the Daily Herald for the annual Taste of Home Cooking School. Watch and learn while culinary specialist Kristi Larson shows you helpful tips, great techniques and step-by-step instructions on how to create your favorite dishes. Every attendee receives a goody bag filled with great coupons, samples, and everyone has a chance to win prizes throughout the night, including the dishes being prepared on stage.

I have been asked again to Emcee the show.  I've been the Emcee for the last 4 years and truly love every minute of the show.  I always learn new cooking shortcuts and tricks that save me money and time.  Not only that, but everyone who attends will get a FREE goody bag full of great giveaways and have a chance to win awesome door prizes! I also will be giving away a shopping cart full of groceries to whomever guesses closest to the price I actually paid for the groceries - always fun!

2009 Savvy Shopping Cart Winner
I have been given 2 extra pairs of Taste Of Home Cooking School Tickets to giveaway from Thanksgiving Point! Just leave a comment below as to why you'd like to win tickets to the show and be entered in this giveaway!

Using I will pick two winners to receive 2 tickets each on Monday 9/13 at 1pm and will notify the winners by email, as well as on the blog. Leave your email address in the comments like this: asavvylife (at) gmail (dot) com.

You can also buy tickets here:  Taste Of Home Cooking School


  1. Oh My! I would love this! I love cooking and am always looking for classes or cookbooks to learn more! Please pick me!!!

  2. I'd love to go to the cooking school again. I've gone once, had a fabulous time and learned some new tricks! You can never learn too many shortcuts in the kitchen in my opinion.

  3. Oh I would be the perfect person to go I would LOVE it. Everyone has told me how awesome it is and I need a fun break from my CrAzY yet wonderfull life!! My husband has brain cancer and I take care of him my 3 children and work full time! I need a fun night with Girls!

  4. I would love to come to cooking school to learn new tips and techinques, and I would love to win a fabulous prize. tjhbahr(at)netzero(dot)com.

  5. I love to bake desserts, mainly cookies! I loved last years show, pick me, please!

  6. I would love this. The chance to learn more recipes and cooking ideas is fabulous. Cooking is what I do when I need a stress relief. I know that sounds weird, but it is so true. I love cooking!!

  7. I want to go! shel_bel9 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. oh my goodness I would just LOVE to go to Taste of Home!

  9. I too love all the great tips they give you during the show and use many regularly!

  10. I would love to go to Taste of Home because I need to learn how to cook! My poor's always frozen meals for them! Please help!!!

  11. I have always wanted to go to a cooking class and I just LOVE Taste of Home Recipes!


  12. I would love to go to taste of home! I am always looking for new things to try and cooking shows are great!

  13. I would love this! My girlfriends and I are always looking for ways to liven up our family meals!

  14. I love to cook! Er...should I say I USED to love to cook? The past couple of years I worked hard to make cooking a hobby and did really well trying new recipes and experimenting. However, since the birth of my second little boy, four months ago, cooking seems WAY too time consuming and difficult. My family is lucky if I get hot dogs or a frozen pizza on the table at night...I definitely need to spice things up in the kitchen again!!! I'd LOVE to go to Taste of Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I have never been but I would love to go and hear all the tips and watch the pros cook. I love that!

  16. I would love to find some inspiration to dress up my drab meals. I have 4 kids and I feel like I'm in such a rut. Please send me to Cooking School!

  17. I love all the tips and I love trying out the new recipes. There are one or two recipes that we have in our normal menu rotation that I got from Taste of Home two years ago.

    My oldest daughter was born on Halloween and I have gleaned the most fun ideas for food at her birthday parties from the Taste of Home magazine you receive when you go. To top that off, it makes for a fantastic GNO.

  18. I love to cook! please pick me! I'm always looking for ways to save money, and eating at home is the best way to do it!

  19. I love going to the Taste of Home!!!!! I love coming with family and friends. It's a tradition to come. I enjoy seeing all the booths and learning new tips and techniques and getting new recipes. Best of all I love Seeing Amy the savvy shopper!!!!! It would be even better if I could win free tickets!!!!! dastaker(at)netzero(dot)net

  20. I would love to go and learn new cooking tips. ashleymhc (at) gmail (dot) com

  21. How fun! I really need to learn some new cooking ideas! mmortimer80 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  22. I went to the first cooking school several years ago, but I haven't been able to afford to go back. I'd love a ticket!

  23. I would love to go to the cooking school! Fun girls night with my mom!

    lauwil07 at gmail dot com

  24. I've heard that Taste of Home's cooking school is fabulous--I'd love to find out for myself!

  25. I would love to win these tickets. My mom just retired and moved here from California and I would love to take her with me. Sounds like a great time! lovescoupons2009(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. I have been before and was truly amazed at the wonderful recipes, the energy in the room and the expertise of the cook. I would love to win some tickets for me and my daughter. We'd both benefit from it!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. Pick me! I can't have a husband that cooks better than me! golfguru_7(at)hotmail(dot)com

  28. I'd love to attend and learn more about utah cooking. I've only been in utah for a month! Thanks for the chance! alicedemskehansen (at) gmail (dot) com

  29. I like to go every year! LOVE it!!!!

  30. This would be such an amazing event to attend!! Learning new shortcuts, recipes and money saving ideas and best of all, getting a little break from all the boys!!!

  31. I would love to attend this show! I could really use a few new ideas!


  32. I went to one of these years ago and would LOVE to again .. It was so much FUN !

  33. This would be a blessing in disguise for me....thx

  34. I have been...but it sounds like so much fun! I would love to go. :)

  35. I'm really need cooking help! I would love to go!

  36. I love to cook soups.l They hardly every turn out bad and they are such a comfort food. The best part is that my family gathers together and slurps up the soup as we spend a time together for dinner. I love, love that part. Yes, they will all leave home and someday they will recall soups as being a taste of home. I wou...ld like to win tickets to take my older daughters/sisters so that they can carry on this tradition of cooking. karenbwilcox(at)msn(dot)com.

  37. I love Taste of Home! Besides the great new recipes, I love the bag of goodies we get when we walk in! I really love going around to all of the vendors before the show, too!

  38. First, I love Taste of Home recipes. Second, I love cooking. Third, I could sure use some new recipes. I'd love to win!

  39. I would love love love love love to go! I desperately need to learn how to cook something other than tacos and spaghetti, and i even more desperately need a girls night (Let the hubby stay home with the twins!!!) Thanks for doing this giveaway

  40. I would love it!!! In need of some new cooking skills!!!

  41. I would love to go to this! I sure could use the break from my toddler and a distraction from my pregnancy!

  42. I would love to go see the TOH show and learn some new recipes for my family!

  43. I have been wanting to take cooking classes lately! We recently moved in to our own house, finally after 9 years of being married and I have loved cooking in my own kitchen! I need to continue learning more, tips and tricks are always enjoyed and helpful.

  44. ME ME ME... PLEASE! I really want to go!

  45. I LOVE to cook but unfortunately cooking doesn't love me! I'm having my first baby in February and I'm learning to cook so he doesn't grow up on frozen pizzas and pb&J sandwiches!

    varld_gudinna (at) yahoo (dot) com

  46. Since my husbands health has been bad. I have found cooking, instead with prepared foods has benefited us.

  47. My idea of cooking is pouring the cereal & milk. Or pushing the buttons on the microwave... :) I need help!

  48. I love cooking, although I have been out of practice. I like cooking soups in the fall/winter and pasta anytime.

  49. I would LOVE to win a ticket!!! I have never been before, and have always wanted to go... I just never can afford it! Taste of Home is my absolute favorite cooking magazine, there hasn't been a bad recipe that I have made from that magazine or cookbook! I hope I get picked!!!

  50. sorry! here is my email address!! bandehuff at live dot com

  51. I look forward to this show each year! It always gives me a boost to try new recipes and they have YUMMY ones! Hope to join the party!!! I love to cook soups and chili! :)

  52. I love to cook, this would be so much fun. lesliewardle(at)gmail(dot)com

  53. Life is always busy and challenging, so it would be awesome to go and get some motivation back to make something fabulous for my family!

  54. I would love to attend the cooking class. Thank you for letting us know about it.

  55. When I was growing up, my family never ate meals together because my parents ran their own business. When I started working in rural Uganda, I learned how much of a connection one can form with others by preparing and partaking of meals together, particularly when the ingredients are home-grown. Now married and raising my own family, I have been doing all that I can to learn how to cook better food - better tasting and better for us. The Taste of Home Cooking School will help me cook to the best of my ability, towards forming strong familial relationships and empowering me with skills to help others do the same!


  56. I love trying new recipes, and am always struggling trying to come up with something new and easy to make for dinner. I would love to go!


  57. I love the new recipes and ideas. I've been once and would love to go again. It's so fun!

  58. I love to watch cooking shows! And, I always wish that I had a kitchen like they do with all the ingredients and kitchen utensils at my fingertips. They make it look so easy.

  59. I would love to go and learn more shortcuts in the kitchen. maybritreyes (at) msn(dot)com

  60. Cooking is one of my greatest hobbies - but there is ALWAYS room for improvement and tips.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  61. I hope I am selected. It would be a nice break from being a military "widow" taking care of my four children. I'm sure it would be lots of fun!

    Thanks for sharing!

  62. Congratulations Bre & Dawnielle Hilton! You both have won 2 tickets to the Taste Of Home Cooking School! I'll email you with the details of how to pick up your tickets!

    There are still tickets available for purchase as well at:

    They're cheaper if you buy them today rather than at the door tomorrow! Hope to see you there!
