Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Two Cents: Charitable Giving

My Two Cents:
Giving Back

We give back, because it's about sharing our strengths to help others!

If you've ever attended a Savvy Shopper Seminar, you'll know how important helping others through donations means to me. It's a part of why I coupon and shop smart - because I have more than enough for my family, but I know many others do not. We give back, because it's about sharing our strengths to help others.

Last week, I took part in the first Savvy Shopper food drive on behalf of the Community Action Food Bank in Provo. Sponsored by the Daily Herald, the food drive collected food and monetary donations at Ream's in Springville and Crisp's Grocery in Salem. What amazing local grocers we have  surrounding us who went the extra mile to help further our efforts.  As I spoke with many shoppers through out the day, I was deeply gladdened by their willingness to give back to the community.

I was honored to use the donations raised to “shop 'til I dropped” and purchase as much food as possible for the Food Bank. As I made my purchases I couldn't help but smile at the savings. OK, I always smile at my savings, but this was a different kind of smile. This was even better! Every quarter I saved meant one extra can, box or package I could give away - it was electrifying!
Jim Thomas, with Community Action Food Bank, and Rick Taylor, met me at the door with an even different kind of smile - one of gratitude.

“We have 60-70 new families each month coming who've lost their jobs. In this economy we don't know how long this will last,” Thomas said. The food bank distributes 150,000-200,000 pounds of food a month to families from every walk of life and in every stage of need. It's staggering and truly a bit emotional to see what the food bank has done and continues to do for members of our community on a daily basis. As I walked past an aisle of orange crates filled with canned goods and perishables, I thought about how many people we could help if we all gave even a little, and not just at Christmas, but throughout the whole year! How many lives could be touched? How many parents would be able to know they could provide food for their children?

I've heard it said, that if you feel you have enough food for your family, you have enough to give some away. Our family has started a donation box, which we fill with “extras” we find around our house and pantry. It is a great way to teach children to think of others.

It was an amazing experience to witness so much generosity this holiday season! Thank you for your gifts in donating by whatever means were available and for allowing me to take part in this gift of savings!

If you would more information on what you can do to help your community, please visit or your local community food bank.

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